Sunday, July 10, 2011

Hollywood and Santa Barbara

Saturday July 2nd-

After sleeping in, all seven of us piled into the minivan (not ours, we have too much stuff in it and not enough seats) and headed to Hollywood and Universal Studios for the day! Uncle Greg knew the back roads up to the famous sign where we stopped for the classic tourist photos.  You're not supposed to hike up any further as it is now protected land, but we spotted some people sitting on top of the 'Y'.
Aunt Kim, Bryan, Uncle Greg, Kathryn and Sarah

After the Hollywood sign we made our way to the Universal Studios City Walk.  We went there to watch the new Transformers movie in IMAX 3D, which was spectacular (not for the plot or character development, of course, but rather the phenomenal special effects).   Since we got to the movie early, we decided to make the most of the large popcorn that Uncle Greg and Aunt Kim had purchased, and the seven of us were able to refill it three times before the movie even began.  

After getting to the end of Transformers, we headed to the end of city walk, and got another tourist photo op at the entrance to Universal Studios.  Then it was on to downtown Hollywood to check off the Chinese Theater and the Walk of Stars from our tourist checklist.  

Our Hollywood Tour came to a close at the Chinese Theatre where we enjoyed seeing the stars hand 
(and foot) prints.  

Looking forward to HP7 Part 2!

Sunday July 3rd- 
After putting about 5,000 miles on our car and the breaks beginning to squeak, they needed a fix.  Thanks to a neighbor who works on his sweet cars in his garage, Nate and Bryan were able to jack up the car and change the pads and a front rotor for cheap!  We'll be all set for the switchbacks in Yosemite.

The Cold Spring Tavern
Speaking of Yosemite, cousin Bryan and his fiancee Lauren are getting married in the National Park on July 18th.  Nate will be standing in the wedding as a groomsman.  We're super pumped for them, and it was great to get to meet Lauren.

In the afternoon, Bryan and Lauren took us, and another groomsman Jake and his fiancee Ashley, up to Santa Barbara for the afternoon.  We were supposed to go sailing for the afternoon, but due to the (really) horrible L.A. traffic, we missed the boat.  Luckily, Bryan and Lauren, who both graduated from the University of California at Santa Barbara had a Plan B.

They took us to The Cold Spring Tavern up in the mountains outside Santa Barbara.  It was an old Stage Coach stop during the Gold Rush days of the 1850's.  Now it's usually a biker stop on their weekend trips through the rolling hills.  We spent the afternoon relaxing and enjoyed the ambiance. TheTri-Tip BBQ sandwiches were also delicious.
Jake and Bryan with their Tri-Tip
Full Cheeks.  Yummmm!
After the Tavern, Bryan and Lauren took us on a hike towards Knappes Castle in the hills.  They're both directionally challenged so we ended up getting lost and taking the wrong hike.  At the end of the hike, we actually did find the Castle, but it was one hill over from where our trail took us.  Despite the disappointment, the view of the rolling hills was incredible and we also had a great view of the ocean.  
The ocean really is down there.  The marine fog layer was blocking our view. 
Apparently they have giant pine cones in California!?

To make up for getting lost, our journey ended at the Santa Barbara Wharf for some ice cream.  Nate enjoyed watching the fishermen catch hundreds of Mackerel right off the pier and wished he had his fishing pole as well.  Maybe next time.  

More updates of our little trip to San Diego coming soon as we are now safely to Dublin, CA, outside of San Francisco with full internet access.  We're staying with our friends and former college room mates, John and Jackie Miller.  

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