Thursday, June 16, 2011

Packing Up and Saying Goodbye

This past weekend we went home to say goodbye to our families and our cat Hayleigh.  Aunt Nancy and Uncle Tom have graciously offered to host her while we're away.  We know she'll be happy, but we'll miss her terribly.
Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

Our house has had a tornado of movers come through Monday and Tuesday.  Two young guys have been packing everything up into boxes and are loading the truck.  We had to stay up late Sunday night to make sure we got everything going on the trip in a big pile so that it wouldn't be packed up by the movers. This is the huge pile!!

They packed EVERYTHING.  Including our dirty dishes that were in the dishwasher.  Despite the weirdness of total strangers packing up our lives, it has been nice to have the time to run errands, organize our trip gear and rest up before we leave.  We even had time to spend an evening with some of our favorite Champaign friends, the Hobbs', Tyler's and Kane's.  

Wednesday morning we hit the road towards Birmingham, Alabama to visit JohnMark and Rachel Edwards and their 18 month old daughter AnnaBelle.  The Edwards are great friends from high school and we've been hoping to visit them for sometime now. Can't wait to hear what they've been up to lately!

We're finally on the road heading South!

Disclaimer: Regarding the photos on the blog, my hard drive crashed on my Mac last week (thankfully I just backed everything up) so I am using Nate's dinosaur computer on the trip.  Therefore I have no editing software and the pictures are all unedited.  So... sorry if the color is bad or they need to be cropped, etc.  I just don't have the software on this computer.  Internet yes, anything else no.  Oh well.  


  1. That's a lot of stuff for your little car, even with a cartop carrier! I'll bet it looks like a giant boulder on the roof, and probably handles like it, too!

    And to think I just bought a Mac because it was 'better' than a PC. Oy!

    Best Wishes, looking forward to future updates!

  2. can download Google's Picasa desktop software to edit your photos on Nate's PC. It's free and does a lot of good (basic) photo-editing stuff (I use it since we don't have the moolah yet for Photoshop).... Happy trails!
